Sunday, May 6, 2012

The News

I didn't even want kids...what if they hated me and it was because I was a horrible mom? I have the most wonderful mom in the whole world...I can't live up to that. No one can. She's one of a kind.
Then I fell in love with Craig. He has a great mom too! He wants kids. He would be a really great dad. Really great. Kids love Craig. I love Craig. I love kids? Yes. And I love giving them back to their parents when we're done playing. Craig thinks I would be a great mom. And he is willing to gamble some innocent little child on it. He has told me that I'm going to be a great mom so many times that I have started to believe him. But I still get scared sometimes.
Oh. Bytheway...WE ARE PREGNANT. I still haven't figured out how that happened...


1 comment:

  1. You are very witty and have a charming writing style. I really enjoy reading your posts. Not that you shouldn't do long posts if you're ever feeling it, but I really like the lengths so far. Your posts are very reader friendly.
